Nowadays, conventional hi-fi systems no longer rely solely on records or CDs. Instead, digital audio files on computer-based media often serve as a source for music enjoyment. Audirvana sees itself as a music player, file manager and central interface for sound output before the sound makes its way to the ears via DA converters, power amplifiers, loudspeakers and, of course, headphones. With its resolute audiophile approach, Audirvana is a product that is aimed at the audio connoisseur who wants to access high-resolution audio files on their computer, network storage or streaming services. At the same time, Audirvana offers the benefit of an audible sound upgrading for low-quality formats.
In light of the consistent application of this solution, the RRP of 65 euros (VAT included) is perfectly reasonable. A single license allows the activation of the software on two computers but is limited to one platform per purchase.